What Does it Mean to be a 21st Century Teacher?
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So...What does "21st Century Teaching" mean to you?
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Lesson Example
Free Learning Resources-- Think of these as an alternative or additional resource for your textbook! Check each of them out and see if they work for you.
Merlot - a free and open online community of resources designed primarily for faculty, staff and students of higher education from around the world to share their learning materials
Hippo Campus - While there are all kinds of websites geared towards creating (or supplementing) lesson plans for younger kids, finding help for high school classrooms can be a bit more difficult. But HippoCampus has got you covered with lessons for advanced mathematics (algebra, geometry, calculus, and more), as well as sciences, social studies, and even humanities. What teachers will likely enjoy even more, however, is the fact that they can create lesson “playlists” and customize them to correlate with content from a textbook.
Everything Science - High School Resource with textbooks
Everything Math - High School Resource with textbooks
Curriki - helps connect educators, parents, and students in the development of curriculum and other educational materials. With its open-source curriculum format, Curriki allows anyone to post their teaching ideas for others to view, download, use, reformat, and reshare. a nonprofit K-12 global community for teachers, students, and parents to create, share, and find free learning resources that enable true personalized learning.
UH Digital History - Everything in regards to US History
Jumpstart - This is a good all-around educational tool that offers fun classroom activities and worksheets based on both subject and grade (for Kindergarten through elementary). So whether you’re teaching second-grade math or fifth-grade science you should be able to find a few lesson-worthy ideas on this website.
Soft Schools - The lessons offered on this site range from pre-Kindergarten through middle school, and include every subject. With extras like phonics, online calculators, holiday themes, and quizzes, every teacher will find something to love from this online resource.
TEN - Teacher Education Network - This program from non-profit group Discovery Science Center offers not only lesson plans and classroom activities related to science, but also an online community of educators to interact with.
ICivics - Web-based education project designed to teach students civics and inspire them to be active participants in U.S. democracy.
Youngzine - Youngzine is an online News Magazine for school age children. It provides an educational, entertaining, yet safe way for kids (and adults) to get the latest news
Lesson Example
Free Learning Resources-- Think of these as an alternative or additional resource for your textbook! Check each of them out and see if they work for you.
Reading Websites
Math Websites
CK-12 - Free Math and Science education resources for Teaching Standards-aligned and customizable. (Mostly 6th grade and up)Merlot - a free and open online community of resources designed primarily for faculty, staff and students of higher education from around the world to share their learning materials
Hippo Campus - While there are all kinds of websites geared towards creating (or supplementing) lesson plans for younger kids, finding help for high school classrooms can be a bit more difficult. But HippoCampus has got you covered with lessons for advanced mathematics (algebra, geometry, calculus, and more), as well as sciences, social studies, and even humanities. What teachers will likely enjoy even more, however, is the fact that they can create lesson “playlists” and customize them to correlate with content from a textbook.
Everything Science - High School Resource with textbooks
Everything Math - High School Resource with textbooks
Curriki - helps connect educators, parents, and students in the development of curriculum and other educational materials. With its open-source curriculum format, Curriki allows anyone to post their teaching ideas for others to view, download, use, reformat, and reshare. a nonprofit K-12 global community for teachers, students, and parents to create, share, and find free learning resources that enable true personalized learning.
UH Digital History - Everything in regards to US History
Jumpstart - This is a good all-around educational tool that offers fun classroom activities and worksheets based on both subject and grade (for Kindergarten through elementary). So whether you’re teaching second-grade math or fifth-grade science you should be able to find a few lesson-worthy ideas on this website.
Soft Schools - The lessons offered on this site range from pre-Kindergarten through middle school, and include every subject. With extras like phonics, online calculators, holiday themes, and quizzes, every teacher will find something to love from this online resource.
TEN - Teacher Education Network - This program from non-profit group Discovery Science Center offers not only lesson plans and classroom activities related to science, but also an online community of educators to interact with.
ICivics - Web-based education project designed to teach students civics and inspire them to be active participants in U.S. democracy.
Best of History Websites - This is a pretty incredible resource for anyone who teaches history or social studies. In addition to providing links to more than 1,200 history websites that can supplement your lesson plans, it also offers links to hundreds of lesson plans, activities, games, quizzes, and more (for K-12 history classes) from a contributing community of teachers like yourself.
Free Math Worksheets - As you may have expected from the name of this website, you’ll find plenty of free math worksheets here (estimated in the tens of thousands by their own count). Lessons range from simple addition and subtraction to money, fractions, and statistics. There are also flash cards and games like Sudoku to help kids learn in a fun way.
PE Central - Physical education is about more than playing volleyball or soccer; it’s about ensuring the health of our youth. And that entails not only fun physical activity, but also lessons in health and hygiene. This website asks members to contribute lessons and ideas for activities for the benefit of all. So sign up to partake and participate.
PE Central - Physical education is about more than playing volleyball or soccer; it’s about ensuring the health of our youth. And that entails not only fun physical activity, but also lessons in health and hygiene. This website asks members to contribute lessons and ideas for activities for the benefit of all. So sign up to partake and participate.
Federal Registry for Education Excellence - The Federal Registry for Educational Excellence (FREE) makes it easier to find digital teaching and learning resources created and maintained by the federal government and public and private organizations.
19 Pencils - A resource for educators, parents, and homeschooling providing educational content for K-6 students. Leverage web resources from teachers around the world.
Wonderopois - Welcome to Wonderopolis®, a place where natural curiosity and imagination lead to exploration and discovery in learners of all ages.
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